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The mission of the Procurement staff is to support the District's goals through the acquisition of goods and services compliant with applicable procurement guidelines.  It is the responsibility of the Procurement staff to foster competition, accountability, integrity, and equality in the procurement process.

Visit our sub-pages for information and forms regarding York School District One Procurement.  Click on the appropriate link below.

State and District Guidelines, for summary and detailed information applicable to state and district funded procurements.  The Procurement Manual resides on this page and on the Forms page.

Federal Guidelines, for summary and detailed information applicable to federally funded procurements.  The Noncompetitive Request form resides on this page and on the Forms page.

Bids and Awards, for summary and detailed information applicable to current bids and awarded contracts.

Purchase Card (P-card), for summary and detailed information applicable to P-cards.  The P-card Manual resides on this page and on the Forms page.

Vendors, for information on how to compete for District business.  Information for small, women-owned, and minority-owned businesses.

Forms, for procurement forms, memos, manuals.

Audit Guidance, for feedback on what auditors have found as issues in other Districts.  Per York School District One auditors. 

Department of Procurement Services (DPS), to access the State of South Carolina's DPS website.

Contact Us

David Baker
Purchasing Manager