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Bids and Awards

Currently there are no solicitations
Architectural and Engineering Design Services - Agricultural Arena - Solicitation #01-2624Addendum 01Addendum 02Addendum 03Intent to AwardNotice of Award

Architectural and Engineering Design Services - Middle School and Early Childhood - Solicitation #2024-0913, Addendum 01, Addendum 02, Intent to Award, Notice of Award Middle School Project, Notice of Award Early Childhood Project

Band Instruments - Solicitation #2024-0321Addendum 01Intent to AwardNotice of Award

Chromebook Tracking Software - Solicitation #2024-0422Addendum 01Addendum 02Notice of Award

Commercial Stand-On Vacuums - Solicitation #2024-0220Notice of Award

Construction Management Services - Solicitation #2024-0701, Intent to Award, Notice of Award 

Dishwasher, Conveyor Type - Solicitation #2024-0917, Addendum 01, Notice of Award

Food Service Management System - Solicitation #01-1124Addendum 01Addendum 02Intent to AwardNotice of Award

Land Investigation/Due Diligence - Agricultural Arena - Solicitation #2024-0510Exhibit AAddendum 01Notice of Award

Land Investigation/Due Diligence - Middle School - Solicitation #2024-1115, Exhibit A, Addendum 01, Addendum 02, Notice of Award

In Bus Video Surveillance System - Solicitation #2024-0229Addendum 01Intent to AwardNotice of Award

Painting - Solicitation #2024-0509Notice of Award

Paving Activity Bus Lot - Solicitation #2024-1022, Addendum 01, Addendum 02, Intent to Award, Notice of Award

Special Education Teaching Services - Solicitation #2024-0822, Addendum 01, Notice of Award

Sports Turf Chemical Maintenance for Athletic and Practice Fields - Solicitation #2024-0618Notice of Award
LED Marquee Signs - Solicitation #2024-0314Site Visit LogAddendum 01Addendum 02Addendum 03Addendum 04Notice of Cancellation of Solicitation