It is the responsibility of the Procurement staff to foster competition, accountability, integrity, and equality in the procurement process. District procurements are governed by State and Federal guidelines. Requirements for vendor competition are based on thresholds. Please see below for summary and detailed information on how to compete for District business.
Procurements $25,001 and above:
Requires either competitive sealed bidding by the District, use of an established state contract, or use of an established cooperative contract. The District is encouraged to utilize established state and cooperative contracts in efforts to reduce the administrative costs associated with District bidding. The District encourages vendors to routinely visit our Bids and Awards page to view any request for bids.
Click this link to view any current District Requests for Bid: Current Solicitations.
Click this link to view current state and cooperative contracts for District use: State and Cooperative contracts.
Procurements $10,001 to $25,000:
A minimum of 3 quotations from qualified sources.
Procurements up to $10,000:
A single quotation from a qualified source.
Small, women-owned, minority-owned businesses:
The District seeks to expand vendor participation with small, women-owned, and minority-owned businesses. The District strives to reach 10% vendor participation between small, women-owned, and minority-owned businesses. Your business must be certified with the state of South Carolina for the District to consider you as a small, women-owned, or minority-owned business. Click the link below for information and contact information on becoming certified with the state of South Carolina as a small, women-owned, or minority-owned business.
Small, women-owned, minority-owned businesses
Click the link below to search for certified small, women-owned, and minority-owned businesses in South Carolina.
SC Certified Businesses
To access the State of South Carolina's Department of Procurement Services (DPS) website click this link: DPS