Human Resources
Welcome to York School District 1 where you can be a part of a team of professionals who are dedicated to loving and developing our students and one another.
Our Vision:
To Learn, Serve, and Give as ONE
Our Mission:
Our mission is to cultivate a service-oriented community of learners who strive for personal growth and excellence as communicators, collaborators, creators, and critical thinkers.
Our Beliefs:
- Learning is a life-long, ever-changing process for students and staff.
- Each child is unique and should have the opportunity to reach his/her full potential.
- A safe, orderly, and nurturing environment is essential for learning.
- Education is a collaborative effort between schools and the community.
- Technology is a tool that should be leveraged to enhance the teaching and learning process.
- Teaching and learning should be relevant, individualized, and intentional to equip students for success.
Contact Us
Phone: (803) 684-9916
Jennifer Bolin
Director of Human Resources
Sheila Hill
Benefits Coordinator
Gloria Sharp
Administrative Assistant/Classified
Taylor Layfield
Human Resources Specialist/Certified