Multilingual Learners
The mission of the York School District One Multi-Lingual Learners program is designed to cultivate a service-oriented community of learners who strive for personal growth and excellence as communicators, collaborators, creators, and critical thinkers by supporting all cultures and linguistic backgrounds.
York School District One's Multi-Lingual Learners program develops intercultural interactions to enhance students' school experience. The MLL program seeks to provide support and instruction to multi-lingual learners to develop English language proficiency skills, which will enable them to become successful in mainstream classrooms, the school, and the community.
The MLL program is content-based and works to help multi-lingual learners to attain English proficiency and achieve at high levels in core academic subjects such as math, science, social sciences, and language arts. MLL teachers use both Common Core and World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) Standards to plan and deliver developmentally appropriate instruction to develop students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills for both social and academic purposes.
Multi-Lingual Learner's Guiding Principles
2022-2023 YSD1 Student-Parent Handbook Spanish Translation