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External PD Opportunities

PBS TeacherLine Graduate & Renewal Credit Courses

  • Sample courses offered:

    • Differentiating Math Lessons for a Range of Learners
    • Accomplished Science Teaching: Letting Science Lead
    • [R2S-approved] An Intro. to Underlying Principles and Research for Effective Literacy Instruction


    TeacherLine self-paced courses are offered too. These 'mini' self-paced courses are perfect over a weekend to build content knowledge or get inspiration. Several are even free.

    Learn about all courses offered at

VirtualSC PD

VirtualSC PD Courses

Read to Succeed Courses – 60 Renewal Credits

  1. R2S: Assessment of Reading
  2. R2S: Content Area Reading and Writing for Administrators and Non-Instructional Staff
  3. R2S: Content Area Reading and Writing for Career and Technology (CATE) Teachers
  4. R2S: Content Area Reading and Writing for Early Childhood and Elementary Teachers
  5. R2S: Content Area Reading and Writing for Fine Arts Teachers
  6. R2S: Content Area Reading and Writing for Media Specialists
  7. R2S: Content Area Reading and Writing for Middle and High School Teachers
  8. R2S: Content Area Reading and Writing for School Counselors, School Psychologists, and Speech Language Pathologists
  9. R2S: Foundations of Reading
  10. R2S: Instructional Practices
  11. R2S: Instructional Practices Understanding Dyslexia and to Support Struggling Learners

Read to Succeed Literacy Coaching Endorsement – Graduate Credit

  1. Principles of Literacy
  2. Action Research

Renewal Credit Courses

  1. ESOL: Introduction to Teaching English Learners – 60 renewal credits
  2. Today’s Classroom: The Co-Teaching Approach – 40 renewal credits
  3. Using Google for the 21st Century Classroom – 40 renewal credits

Working on a Masters +30? Our graduate credit courses are for you! Remember if you do not have a Master’s degree, 60 credits need to be graduate credit to renew your teaching certificate.

Graduate Courses 

  1. 21st Century Teacher: Authentic Assessment
  2. Action Research in Literacy Coaching - new
  3. Collaboration in the Digital Classroom
  4. Effective Online Course Management
  5. ePortfolios & Education
  6. Making Innovative Classroom Models Work with Web 2.0 Tools
  7. Online Awareness: Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship
  8. Principles of Literacy Coaching

Interested in starting or continuing work on the Online Teaching Endorsement to add to your certificate?

  1. Effective Online Course Management – (Required)
  2. ePortfolios & Education – (Elective)
  3. Making Innovative Classroom Models Work with Web 2.0 Tools – (Elective)
  4. Online Awareness: Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship – (Elective)

Need renewal credits right away?

Self-Paced Courses

  1. Practical Applications of Microsoft Excel 2010 or Higher – 20 Renewal Credits
  2. Practical Applications of Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 or Higher – 20 Renewal Credits
  3. Practical Applications of Microsoft Word 2010 or Higher – 20 Renewal Credits
  4. Virtual Field Trips – 20 Renewal Credits
  5. Open Educational Resources – 40 Renewal Credits

South Carolina Teaching Standards 4.0 Rubric Learning Modules

  1. Environment Indicator: Expectations Part 1 – 20 renewal credits
  2. Environment Indicator: Expectations Part 2 – 20 renewal credits
  3. Environment Indicator: Managing Student Behavior – 20 renewal credits
  4. Environment Indicator: Respectful Culture – 20 renewal credits
  5. Instruction Indicator: Academic Feedback Part 1 – 20 renewal credits
  6. Instruction Indicator: Motivating Students – 20 renewal credits

New to our program? Create an account before you register for a course. Please visit our tutorial page for detailed application and registration directions.

For more information you may visit our course costs page here and for registration and course dates please click here.

Social Studies Opportunities

None at this time. 

Content Areas:

South Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics

South Carolina Science Council (SC)2

South Carolina Council for the Social Studies

South Carolina Council of Teachers of English


Each summer Santee Cooper sponsors the Energy Educators Institute, a three hour graduate course credited through Charleston Southern University. This interactive and interdisciplinary course requires a four day residential stay at Wampee, Santee Cooper’s Training and Conference Center, located on Lake Moultrie in Pinopolis, South Carolina. The setting is quite relaxing and yet proves to be the perfect place to build professional relationships and participate in a diverse learning experience. Wampee provides the unique backdrop of a once active Lowcountry plantation against which any number of modern day business, educational, and government challenges can be addressed.

The 2019 Energy Educators Institute is a three week course open to teachers and administrators. Course requirements are completed on-line during the first and third weeks and the required residential stay is completed during the second week. The dates are:

  • July 1 - 19, with the required four day residential stay at Wampee from July 9-12
  • July 8-26, with the required four day residential stay at Wampee from July 16-19
  • July 15-August 2, with the required four day residential stay at Wampee from July 23-26.

To receive three hours graduate credit, each participant must complete a pre-reading assignment, share responses with other Institute participants via CSU Black Board, maintain a daily reflective journal, develop four lesson plans using Institute resources, participate in all tours and hands-on experiences and meet attendance requirements.

The schedule during the residential stay at Wampee is from 8 AM to 9 PM daily. These hours are required to complete the contact hours necessary for course credit. During the four days, participants will be involved in activities such as walking tours at industrial plants, nature classes, and paddling a canoe. Participants must be able to participate fully in all of the experiences.

Santee Cooper provides the overnight lodging, food, and materials (Tuesday-Friday) during the Institute at Wampee. Each participant is responsible for his or her transportation to the conference center.

The total cost of the Institute is $100.00.  Checks should be made payable to Santee Cooper Energy Educators Institute. Checks will not be deposited until after March 2nd when we accept participants into each session.  Once accepted into the program, your application fee is non-refundable. 

The application and check are to be mailed to the Administrator of Educational Programs and received by March 2, 2019. Applicants are selected on a first-come, first-serve basis according to school district and post-marked date.

To apply, please go to  You will need to complete the form and mail in your registration fee.  Due to high demand, we suggest sending in your application as soon as possible for a better chance of being accepted.  If your district is paying for your registration, please contact us.

Please forward this email about the Energy Educators Institute to your coworkers. Additional information and the on-line application can also be found on line at

Greetings from Rome! Following the success of last year’s APSIs in Rome, I am happy to announce that John Cabot University will host three AP Summer Institutes in 2019. We hope you can join us next year and that you will share the news with your friends and colleagues as well!

We are offering Institutes in Art History, European History and World History at our campus in the historic center of Rome. These week-long Institutes are a unique opportunity for participants to develop effective teaching strategies for these three AP* subjects in the inspiring context of the Eternal City. The AP* Summer Institutes are endorsed by the College Board and led by experience AP Consultants. 

Find here below the Institutes' dates and the links to download the respective flyers:

To register, please email me the following information:

- Your full name, date of birth, home address and personal phone number
- Your school name, mailing address and phone number
- How you have heard about the APSIs at John Cabot University
- A short statement about your background, teaching experience and
  why you would like to attend this Institute 

For any further question, please do not hesitate to email me! 

Email:   |   Toll-free: (855) JCU-ROMA