South Carolina Board of Education Regulation 43-220 requires the administration of assessments measuring cognitive, academic, and/or artistic abilities to identify students for district gifted and talented programs. YSD1 administers administers the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and the Iowa Assessments to all Grade 2 students for this purpose.
The identification of gifted and talented students is a multi-step process which consists of screening and referral, assessment of eligibility, and placement. Although the primary purpose of these assessments is to identify students for the Gifted and Talented programs, the student results can be useful to teachers as they examine their instructional practices and can help them identify teaching strategies for all students.
Grade 2 CogAT/IOWA assessments are not timed and will be delivered in a computer-based format except for students who cannot take online assessments due to their disabilities, as specified in their IEP, 504, or ILAP.
What is the CogAT?
The CogAT a group-administered aptitude test consisting of a verbal battery, quantitative battery, and nonverbal battery. Each battery is a separate section of the test containing three different types of questions that cover unique cognitive abilities. All Grade 2 CogAT tests are untimed however it is estimated students will need 11-15 minutes for per subtest.
What is the Iowa Assessments?
The Iowa Assessments are achievement tests, meaning they assess a child’s knowledge of what they have learned in school and are not cognitive or IQ tests. Each test level within the Iowa Assessments consists of a series of subtests administered in content sections. Students are required to take Reading and Mathematics - both sections consist of two subtests. All Grade 2 Iowa Assessments are untimed however it is estimated students will need 20-25 minutes for per subtest.