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York Head Start

Preschool Details: Head Start is a comprehensive child development program that has served low-income families since 1965. This child-focused program serves children, ages three to five years, and their families with the goal of increasing school readiness in children. The services are provided for 9 to 10 months during the year.
Eligible Requirements: Head Start accepts children who will turn three years old before September 1, and Early Head Start accepts children from birth to three years old from families whose income falls within the federal income guidelines. 
Age Requirements: 3 to 5 years old
How to Apply: Information Needed to Apply: Legal Birth Certificate; Current Certificate of Immunization; Proof of income for parent/legal guardian (most recent W-2 or pay stub); Social Security Numbers for ALL members of household; Last TWO check stubs and Education/Employment Training Verification (Extended Year only)        Location: 37 Pinckney St York SC, 29745                                                                                                                               (at the back of the building with York One Academy and Parenting Partnerships)
Contact Phone: (803) 684-2093 or (803) 366-5398
* York Head Start is operated by Carolina Community Actions, Inc., not York School District One.