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Home School

Parents or guardians may choose to home school their children instead of enrolling them in a public, private, or parochial school. South Carolina statutes provide parents or guardians with three different options for homeschooling their children:

  • Option One allows the parents to home school their children under the auspices of a school district if approved by the board of trustees. (Option One requires, in part, completion of a District Home School Application.)
  • Option Two allows parents to home school their children with the support of the South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools.
  • Option Three allows parents to choose a home school association that has no fewer than fifty members and meets the home school requirements. The parents or guardians select the particular homeschooling option that is best for the children.

Participation in Interscholastic Activities

 The South Carolina General Assembly passed the Equal Access to Interscholastic Activities Act, 2012 S.C. Acts 203, on June 5, 2012.  This law is “to permit home school students and Governor’s School students to participate in interscholastic activities of the school district in which the students reside subject to certain conditions, and to provide additional requirements for charter school students to participate in interscholastic activities.”  The General Assembly amended the charter school law to provide for charter school student participation in interscholastic activities as well.

Procedures for Home School/Charter School/Governor’s School Participation in Public School Sports

  1. Fill out and submit Intent to Participate Form to district Superintendent.
  2. Provide the school’s athletic director with proof of residence (i.e., most recent electric, gas or water utility bill or dated lease agreement) showing name and address of the parent/legal guardian (to be verified by the school registrar).
  3. Obtain sports physical from a medical professional. (Physical form is available on the school website.)
  4. Log on to and complete steps.
  5. Provide the school’s athletic director with an official transcript and/or grade report from the home school, charter school, or Governor’s school.
  6. The athletic director will determine academic eligibility and inform the parent/guardian.
  7. The parent/guardian must repeat these steps annually (for as long as the student wishes to participate).

Procedures for Home School/Charter School/Governor’s School Participation in Other Interscholastic Activities

  1. Fill out and submit Intent to Participate Form to the District Superintendent.
  2. Provide the school’s organization sponsor with proof of residence (i.e., most recent electric, gas or water utility bill or dated lease agreement) showing name and address of the parent or legal guardian (to be verified by the school registrar).
  3. Provide school’s organization sponsor with official transcript and/or grade report from the home school, charter school, or Governor’s school.
  4. The organization sponsor will determine academic eligibility, and inform the parent or guardian.
  5. Parent/guardian must repeat these steps annually (for as long as the student wishes to participate).