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Bus Route Changes

How do I get students added to a route at the beginning of the year?

Complete New Student Registration or Returning Student Registration at the link below:

Once you complete this registration, office staff at your child’s school will review and seal records. Once those records are updated and reviewed, information is transmitted to York School District One Transportation. Your child will be added to a bus route if you indicated that information in Registration Gateway before the start of school.

How do I make changes to my child’s transportation needs during the school year?

Contact your child’s school office to make transportation changes. School office staff may request proof of residency, verification of residence or an affidavit when making transportation changes. No temporary changes can be made. Students must ride consistently. Students are removed from bus routes after five consecutive days of not riding the bus. Once all information is updated at the school level, the information is transmitted to the transportation office. It takes at least 48 hours for transportation changes to go into effect.