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Bus Routing Information

2022 – 2023 YSD1 Bus Routing Information

All YSD1 bus routing information will be released on Friday, August 12th , by 5:00 PM. Listed below are ways to find out your child’s bus number and stop times for the 2022-2023 school year:

  • A message will be sent via text message and email to the parent/guardian of students that are listed as bus riders. Make sure you have the most current information up to date with your child’s school.
  • Parent Portal will have all bus information for your student. It takes up to 48 hours for all changes and additions to show correctly in Parent Portal. Your child’s school will have information on how to create and/or access your account in Parent Portal.
  • Ride 360 TRAVERSA mobile app will be available to parents/guardians of students that are bus riders. Ride 360 provides quick access to your child’s routing information, which will include the bus stop, route, driver and bus number. Ride 360 can also utilize GPS data to give parent/guardians access to information where your child’s school bus is located, the planned bus path and what time it is expected to be at their scheduled bus stop. Ride 360 will be implemented in stages. Information/messaging will be sent via text message and email once Ride 360 is active for your child’s bus route. All parents of students that ride buses will have access to Ride 360 by October 2022.

Note: Parent Portal should be checked daily during the first few weeks of school due to routing updates and modifications. Pick-up and drop-off times will vary when updates are made to bus routes.